Shop Luckyluxx’s Best Dog Cooling Vests

 The summer heat affects dogs as it does on humans heat exhaustion & heat stroke. Canines have very few sweat glands in the pads of their feet & do not sweat to cool their bodies like humans. Instead, they pant to release excess heat from their bodies. In extreme humidity & heat, panting may not be enough to keep them cool, so pet parents need to step in to help their fur buddies cope with the heat. In addition to providing lots of cool drinking water & access to shade, owners can use cooling dog vests & dog cooling collars to help their fur companions stay comfortable in this hot and humid season.


How do Dog Cooling Vests work?


Our Best Dog Cooling Vests work on the same principle the human body uses to stay calm: evaporation. When a human body perspires, the sweat evaporates, taking with it excess body heat. A dog cooling vest works in much the same way because our vest contains a particular layer of fabric that absorbs & locks in water that evaporates over time, taking the dog’s excess body heat with it. Cooling vests can cool a dog from the inside out all day long by pulling excess heat from the dog’s bloodstream and distributing the coolness evenly throughout the body.  The critical area to cool a dog is its chest and neck, and that is why the cooling vests and cooling collars work so well to keep your dog cool.


How to use Dog Cooling Vests?

  • Using cooling dog vests is very simple.
  • Immerse our vest in a basin full of cool water and let it soak for a few minutes.
  • Gently rub the vest, which will help it absorb water faster.
  • Once wholly soaked, remove the dog vest from the water & squeeze the excess water out of it. Pat dry with a clean towel.
  • Place the vest on the dog & adjust the neck & chest straps for a perfect fit.



  • The dog vest doesn't need refrigeration. However, if you want to make the dog vest cooler, you can put it in your refrigerator for a few hours.
  • Avoid using chilled water, especially on a dog already showing signs of heat exhaustion, as it could put them in shock.
  • Our cooling dog vests are not intended to prevent heat stroke all by themselves. So, provide plenty of cool drinking water & shade even when the dog is wearing the product.
  • Dogs of all ages can wear our cooling dog vests.
  • Never leave your dog in a hot car, even if wearing a dog cooling vest.

Best Dog Cooling Vests are a great way to ensure your dog's safety during hot, humid conditions. When cool drinking water & shade are not enough, a cooling vest can provide extra cooling comfort to ward off heat exhaustion or even heat stroke & possibly save your pet's life. Be sure to measure correctly when sizing your fur baby to ensure proper fit so the dog cooling vest can effectively provide the cooling protection it is designed to do.

Thus, choose Luckyluxx Dog Cooling Vests for your four-legged companion and save them from extreme heat during the summer season. If you need Cooling Vests for Dogs, you are in the right place. Go through our website and check out our best quality dog cooling vests.


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